Season 4, Episode 02—Doctor Who 101 – An Introduction

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Doctor Who may be the greatest sci-fi adventure of all time. The show focusses on a timelord from the planet Gallifree. The main character is Doctor Who, and is often referred to as, “The Doctor.” The doctor goes through regenerations, where he or she can come back as someone else. He or she travels in a machine, called the Tardis, that can travel through space and time.
Doctor Who was first launched in 1963, and is looking forward to a 60th anniversary special in 2023. It began as something of a show for children, but became much more than that. Consider for a moment all the science fiction and fantasy and horror shows that have come and gone in the last 60 years. The only shows that can compete are Star Trek and Star Wars. One may also consider the James Bond films, that began in 1962 with Dr. No, and continues today, as another series that has longevity. And the change in actors during the various Bond films, and the British sense, makes one think of Dr. Who. And Bond, like Dr. Who, was an expert on many things.
One can also think of Sherlock Holmes and John Watson, as characters that have stood the test of time. The connection here, beyond the British one, is that Watson is the character that humanizes Holmes, and is a lens, the connection we have to Holmes is through Watson, and the same can be said for the various companions that have assisted the various Doctors through the years.
Doctor Who has made it into lore, where there are iconic images associated with it, that many recognize, even if you are not a Whovian. Many know that the machine the Doctor travels in is a blue police box, that is larger on the inside. The TARDIS (short for, Time and Relative Dimensions in Space) is iconic. You do not have to watch Doctor Who to be aware of it.
One of the Doctor’s adversaries, The Dalek, are also iconic. There is a wonderful moment in Mr. Bean’s Christmas, where Mr. Bean has a small toy Dalek, and puts it in a manger scene.
Doctor Who had a great run, which ended with Silvester McCoy, and there was a gap, perhaps about 8 years or so, before Doctor Who came back as a TV movie starring Paul McGann. Then there was another long break, of about 8 or 9 years, and then the series was rebooted in 2005, starring Christopher Eccleston, and has basically been going non-stop ever since, with small breaks between seasons, and sometimes breaks between new Doctors. The first episode of the reboot, with Christopher Eccleston and Billie Piper, was the most watched Dr. Who episode of all time.
At one point Dr. Who had an annual Christmas episode, which was something many looked forward to.
Troy and David will do their Dream Cast and Schrödinger’s Cast. The Dream Cast is where they take the best actors/actresses of all time, either living or dead, to play the roles. The Schrödinger’s Cast takes the same six roles, but has very unusual casting to fill the roles. Here are the six roles they look at, and the actors that first portrayed them.
Character | Original Star |
Dr. Who | William Hartnell |
Companion | granddaughter Susan (Carole Ann Ford); Susan’s schoolteachers Ian Chesterton (William Russell) and Barbara Wright (Jacqueline Hill) |
The Brigadier [Sir Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart] | Nicholas Courtney |
The Master | Roger Delgado |
Davros | Michael Wisher |
Cyberman | Roy Skelton, Peter Hawkins – Cybermen Voices Harry Brooks, Reg Whitehead, Gregg Palmer – Cybermen |