The Twilight Zone ran from 1959 – 1964. Hosted by Rod Serling
Rod also wrote most of the episodes.
This is part 2 of Two Old Farts Talk Sci-Fi’s look at the Twilight Zone.
This episode looks at (as Troy Harkin says):
Rod Serling after The Twilight Zone, and…
The Twilight Zone after Rod Serling.
There were a few Twilight Zone series since the original. There was also a Twilight Zone movie.
Tom Elliott, the host of The Twilight Zone Podcast, is the special guest. He was also the special guest for part 1.
Tom and David and Troy talk about The Twilight Zone in the later decades.
Tom and David and Troy do the Dream Cast and Schrodinger’s Cast, choosing one character from the original series, and choosing another actor or actress to fill the role, one the best actor (living or dead) which is the Dream Cast, and one unusual choice, for the Schrodinger’s Cast.
They also talk about Night Gallery, and The Planet of the Apes. And Troy asks Tom about the SerlingFest Convention.
This episode is not being broadcast on Saturday, June 10, 2023, as David says in the episode. It is being broadcast on Saturday, May 13, 2023.
Tom Elliot began The Twilight Zone Podcast in 2010 intending to record short ten-minute stream of consciousness thoughts after each episode viewing. As the production quality of each episode increased, so did the diversity of show content. As well as episode reviews, the podcast grew to include short story readings, book reviews, event coverage and interviews.
Guests such as Anne Serling (daughter of Twilight Zone creator Rod Serling), Earl Holliman (the first actor to ever appear in The Twilight Zone) plus many others have all graced the airwaves of The Twilight Zone Podcast. The Twilight Zone Podcast has become the definitive and longest running podcast about the landmark show on the web.
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