Season 2, Episode 6—”The Holiday Extravaganza pt. 2 = Movies”

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This is part 2 of our holiday special to be broadcast on December 25th, 2021.
This episode looks at speculative movies.
[Please listen to Part 1, which is season 2 episode 5, if you want to listen to David and Troy talk about holiday TV, books and comics.]
There are two movies that we will look at in much more detail in this episode:
Black Christmas – 1974
Krampus – 2015
These two films will take the vast majority of our holiday movie special.
We will look at other holiday fair that have some kind of speculative content. Two of the greatest examples are:
“It’s a Wonderful Life”
“A Christmas Carol”
NOTE: I don’t think we look into “A Nightmare before Christmas” at all, and some other recent classics are missed. We need to save something for next year!
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When it comes to Black Christmas, this is one of the great speculative Canadian films, up there with Ginger Snaps (2000) and Heavy Metal (1981), even though Heavy Metal is a Canadian-American co-production. The Thing (2011) and Cube Zero (2004) have enough Canadian content to qualify as Canadian.
Canadian Horror Films:
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What is it about Black Christmas that makes it one of the earliest, and perhaps the first one ever, slasher film? Why do so many people consider it a classic?
How is it that the director, Bob Clark, who is best known for
Murder by Decree
A Christmas Story
end up directing Black Christmas?
How is Black Christmas influenced by The Exorcist?
How did Black Christmas influence Halloween and other films?
Why is John Saxon so great?
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We will also look at Krampus, and why it is, in the tradition of Gremlins, a horror movie that the whole family can enjoy (as long as your children are not super young). Why does Troy and his family watch this recent classic every Xmas? Listen and find out!
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Troy Harkin and David Clink will talk about the holidays, in genre movies.
There is no special guest for this episode.