Season 1, Episode 6—”Blade Runner (1982 film)”

Episode 6
“Blade Runner (1982 film)”
June 12, 2021
Blade Runner is considered an SF classic, one of the best films of the last 50 years. Why is that? What is it about it that makes it endure? The setting, the soundtrack, the story, the acting? Was 2019 close to what was predicted?
Have you ever thought of yourself as a replicant?
Have you taken the Voight-Kampff test?
Troy Harkin and David Clink will do a deep dive on Blade Runner, with special guest Charlene Challenger (see author bio below).
Troy and David introduce a new segment on their podcast: Dream Casting. Which all-time actors and actresses would you have in the roles? Which current actors would you want? And just how far outside the box are you willing to go?

Charlene Challenger is the author of two young adult fantasy novels: The Voices in Between, for which she was nominated for the 2015 Aurora Award for Best Young Adult Novel and long-listed for the 2015 Sunburst Award Young Adult Novel category; and its sequel, The Myth in Distance.
Her work is also featured in Stone Skin Press’s Gods, Memes and Monsters.
She is represented by Kelvin Kong of K2 Literary (