Special Announcement—TOF on Hiatus Until December 2022

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Troy and David will be taking a much needed break, and will work in 2-month breaks between seasons down the road.
Their last show was the last episode of season 3, their Top Ten Horror films, dropped on Oct 29, 2022.
At the moment the plan is to return on December 24, 2022, season 4 episode 1, to look at “A Christmas Carol.” The season would end in June 2023, and season 5 would begin in September 2023.
Troy and David appreciate the support of our one listener, Ted from Lindsay, and hope to double our listenership in 2023.
For those Canadian fans that vote for the Aurora Awards, the podcast can be nominated in the Related category. We missed the final ballot by one vote in 2022 (for the work done in 2021), and hope that it can make the final ballot in 2023 (for our 2022 episodes).
Please join our Facebook page, if you have not done so already.