Season 5, Episode 12—CSFFA – The Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Association

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CSFFA, the Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Association, is the organization that is tasked with running the Aurora Awards and the Hall of Fame.
Troy and David invite to the show Clifford Samuels, who is the Aurora Awards administrator.
This is Clifford’s first appearance on the show, and as with all new guests, Troy and David ask Clifford about his first experiences in the speculative genre, and what was his first genre love.
Clifford is also asked about his all-time speculative genre faves, which includes his favourite novel, shorter work, author, and also his favourite movie, TV series, and TV episode.
The show will look at the Aurora Awards, and also the Hall of Fame.
The Aurora Awards recognize excellence, by Canadian creatives (Canadian citizens, permanent residents, and landed immigrants), in the field of science fiction, fantasy and horror, in 10 categories, eight of which are professional, and two are fan / volunteer:
Professional Categories in English
Best Novel
Best YA Novel
Best Novelette/Novella
Best Short Story
Best Poem/Song
Best Graphic Novel/Comic
Best Cover Art/Interior Illustration
Best Related Work
Fan/Volunteer Categories
Best Fan Writing and Publication:
Best Fan Related Work:
When it comes to the Hall of Fame, here is the description from the CSFFA site…
The Canadian Science Fiction & Fantasy Association Hall of Fame was created to honour people who have over the past number of decades made a great contribution to the genre of Science Fiction and Fantasy. These would include not just people who write but includes people who have made a contribution either professionally or as a fan. We include artists, musicians, scientists, publishers, editors, organizers and fans.

Clifford Samuels has been collecting Science Fiction and Fantasy books for over 40 years. It can be said that even if he stopped buying new books he would never be able to read what he has, but that will never happen.
He has founded, chaired and run numerous genre conventions in Alberta. He was on the board for Calgary’s When Words Collide festival as guest liaison for 12 years.
As a board member of CSFFA (The Canadian Science Fiction & Fantasy Association), he has held the positions of president, media liaison and treasurer, but for the past 14 years he has administered the Aurora Awards.